Category Archives: Employee Spotlight

Honoring Our Military Veterans: Meet Robert McKinzie

November 11 is Veterans Day in the United States, which honors all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Our military veterans have served everywhere—on land, air, sea, and even space. Their dedication and service ensure we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. For Veterans Day, we want to spotlight some of our amazing employees who are U.S. veterans.

Robert McKinzie

Meet Robert McKinzie

Robert began working as a contractor for Leggett in 1995, providing training to supervisors and managers at U.S. Spring locations. In May of 1996, he accepted a full-time position at L&P. He is currently the Vice President of EHS, Quality, and Continuous Improvement for Domestic Bedding.

Serving in the U.S. Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserves

Robert served in the Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserves for 23 years, spending six years in active duty and 17 years in the Guard and Reserve. His active duty service took place in Fort Riley, Kansas; Fort Lee, Virginia; Fort Eustis, Virginia; and in Operation Iraqi Freedom from September of 2003 to November of 2004. Robert recalls his favorite time while serving:

“By far, the most gratifying time serving was running a base camp on the border of Iraq and Kuwait during Operation Iraqi Freedom. To me, serving God and our country are two of the most important things we can do.”

Robert in a dining facility at Camp Buehring in Kuwait during Easter of 2004

Leadership Training

For most of Robert’s military career, he held a leadership position. He credits the military with helping him develop the skills to be a leader at Leggett:

The military provided me with invaluable training to work with and lead others—from platoon leader in basic training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) to Officer Candidate School, Company Commander, Brigade Primary Staff Officer, and Battalion Executive Officer—during both peace time and deployment.”

Thank You, Veterans!

We are very grateful to Robert and all who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Your service and dedication are inspiring!

Meet Maria Urquieta

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Maria Urquieta. Maria is a custodian at Carthage Spring in Carthage, Missouri. She has worked for Leggett & Platt for two years.

“I enjoy cleaning, and the fact that I get paid for it is a plus. A clean environment is important, especially in our work, because it ensures everyone can do their job safely.

I am proud to get along with my co-workers and contribute to a positive work environment. I am also proud of my Hispanic roots. The annual celebration assures me that we are recognized for our contributions and appreciated.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those who celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Diana Arciga

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Diana Arciga. Diana is Operational Support at West Coast Furniture in City of Industry, CA. She is celebrating her first anniversary at Leggett & Platt.

“Thanks to the kindness of my branch managers and co-workers, I continue to learn and grow during my work-life journey.

One of the most enjoyable parts of my job is the opportunity to be exposed to the diverse departments within this corporation. I am proud that my paths led me to L&P.

During this month of celebrating the contributions, achievements, and heritage of Hispanic people, I wanted to share this message: Please do not feel discouraged because balancing life obstacles and work is not easy. Remain optimistic, and as long as you continue to work on communication, all of your efforts will be seen. With time, more opportunities will come.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Maria Aguilar

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting a few of our employees to share their stories.

Maria Aguilar is a custodian at Ennis Spring in Ennis, Texas. In September, she will celebrate her third anniversary at Leggett & Platt.

“What I love most about my job are my co-workers. It’s important that I enjoy what I do and that I can provide for my family. I am most proud of my family.

I also have the opportunity to work with my ‘mijo,’ a Conveyor Operator, on the same shift.

My Hispanic heritage is important to me because Mexico celebrates independence in September, the same time the United States recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Adelso Vargas

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Adelso Vargas, a Material Handler at Carthage Spring in Carthage, Missouri.

“I genuinely enjoy working with my friends because they are not just co-workers. We have all become close in my six years here at Leggett & Platt. I also enjoy the shift work. It allows for a great work/life balance.”

Along with his Hispanic heritage, Adelso takes great pride in his ability to work and contribute. “I am most proud of my health because it allows me to keep working every day. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is important because we are noticed and make a difference in our work and communities.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Joann Garcia

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Joann Garcia. Joann works in Accounts Payable at our Fort Worth Rebond facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

“There are many reasons I enjoy my job, but I would say the people I work with are what I enjoy most. I feel this is so important because for 22 years, I have looked forward to coming in every day and accomplishing my work.

Besides my grandchildren, Luka and Lyla, I am most proud of my Hispanic Heritage. It means I carry the strength of my parents, grandparents, and ancestors who faced challenges and barriers. They met these with the utmost courage so that I could have better opportunities.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Cipriano Godinez

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting a few of our employees to share their story.

Meet Cipriano Godinez. Cipriano is an Assembler Operator at Ennis Spring in Ennis, Texas. He has worked for Leggett & Platt for 30 years.

“There are so many things I enjoy about my job — working the night shift, working with machines, and with the friends I’ve made over 30 years I’ve been here.

I am proud of my achievements over the years — my family, home, and land. This month makes me feel proud to be Hispanic, and Leggett & Platt has given me the opportunity to succeed.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

L&P Celebrates Mexican Independence Day

Each year, Mexican Independence Day, which commemorates Mexico’s independence from Spain, is celebrated on September 16. This year, L&P employees at Sponge Cushion celebrated the holiday together for the first time with many employees enjoying conchas (Mexican sweet bread) and marking their roots on a map of Mexico. Information on the Mexican War of Independence and famous people from Mexico was displayed for employees to read at their leisure.

Barbara Bushey, Human Resource and Safety Manager, coordinated the event after a colleague suggested celebrating Mexican Independence Day. After doing some research, she began to understand why September 16 is important: “The Mexican people have much to celebrate. I wanted to honor their strength, perseverance, and contribution to Leggett & Platt.”

“A sense of pride”

We asked a few of our employees who celebrated at Sponge Cushion to share their impressions:

“I like to celebrate the independence of my country, and I am proud of my roots and my country.”
Manuel Aguilera

“I was so happy to see the board with the map and the banner. In my 30 years of working, I have never seen an employer recognize my country. It made me feel good.”
Gregoria Guerrero

“I enjoy celebrating this day with my family and friends at Sponge Cushion. I like the map so I can see where my coworkers are from, and having my name listed on the map gave me a sense of pride.”
Adrian Aguilera

“I enjoyed the Mexican sweet bread, and having my picture taken with my coworkers was fun, too.”
Rick DeVore

Pictured from left to right: Manuel Aguilera, Gregoria Guerrero, Adrian Aguilera, and Rick DeVore

Meet Balfer Cortez

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Balfer Cortez. Balfer is a Material Handler at our Carthage Spring location in Carthage, Missouri.

“I am proud of the opportunity I’ve had here at Leggett & Platt for the past five years. My supervisor trusts me to do my job and doesn’t micromanage my work.”

Balfer also appreciates the safe environment where he works. “The atmosphere is very clean and safe. It makes it easier to do a good job, and that, in turn, leads to success for the company.

I’m happy to be recognized for everything that Hispanic employees do, and I am proud to work for a company that values diversity. They translate communications to Spanish, which shows they care.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.

Meet Maria Saucedo

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re inviting L&P employees to share about themselves and their Hispanic heritage.

Meet Maria Saucedo. She is a Conveyor Operator at Ennis Spring in Ennis, Texas, and has worked for Leggett & Platt for 29 years.

Maria and her team live out our value of doing great work together. “I enjoy working with my partner. I believe it’s important to have a partner, and you work well together,” says Maria. “It makes the job that much more enjoyable.”

I am very proud of my Hispanic heritage and the Hispanic people, and because of their hard work, this company has only improved.”

To learn more about the rich history, culture, and present-day stories of those that celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, check out the National Park Service for a comprehensive list of resources.