Category Archives: Safety

Specitubes – Nanterre Celebrates Safety Milestone

June is National Safety Month. At L&P, we are committed to the safety and welfare of all employees through education, awareness, and prevention. We promote a culture where employees protect employees every day and strive for zero injuries.

Our L&P Aerospace team at Specitubes in Nanterre, France, recently achieved a significant safety milestone – 365 days without generating an accident with sick leave! The team celebrated this accomplishment with a party to recognize their collective effort.

Congratulations to our team in Nanterre for living out our value of putting people first and prioritizing the safety and care of each other!

Making Safety a Habit

While June is Safety Month, prioritizing safety and caring for one another is a daily goal at L&P. Our teams make safety a habit, staying up to date on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and looking for ways to enhance safety around their facilities.

Recently, our Hanes Companies, Flooring Products, Home Furniture, and Work Furniture businesses came together for an OSHA 30-hour certification class. Many of our colleagues in environmental health and safety (EHS), HR, supervisor, maintenance, and production roles shared best practices and networked with one another to help advance safety across L&P. The event was sponsored by Flooring Products and hosted by Hanes Companies.

“We spent the week educating our partners on OSHA regulations and how SafeGuard – our L&P safety program – can be used to not only comply with OSHA but also drive us towards making safety a habit,” shared Tim Williams, EHS Manager. “We were fortunate to spend the last day of the class on the shop floor, applying what we learned by identifying opportunities for improvement.”

Thank you to our teams for putting people first!

L&P Global Initiative: Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Training

Leggett & Platt is committed to employee safety and well-being. Part of that commitment is preparing our team members to act in emergencies. L&P has been on an ongoing mission to equip each facility with an AED machine and train our team members to use the devices.

Since the inception of our global initiative in 2023, we have made progress in equipping each of our facilities with AED devices. At the start, we had 56 AED machines across our branches worldwide. Today, this number has grown to 175, which is a testament to our collective commitment to safety.

The success of this initiative is thanks to our operations, which recognized the importance of AEDs. In emergency situations, the first few minutes are critical. For every minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival reduces by approximately 10 percent. Having an AED and knowing how to use it can mean the difference between life and death. Statistics show that if AEDs are used alongside Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), the probability of survival increases to 75 percent.

“This global initiative aims to protect our employees and train our partners to use these devices anywhere, which could fundamentally save lives, including in our local communities,” says William Wright, Manager, EHS Europe.

Dave Bumpus, Senior Director of EHS, agrees: “This initiative is representative of our values—to put people first, do great work together, do the right thing, take ownership, and raise the bar.”

AED and CPR/Safety Training

Our employees have been working hard to learn how to use AEDs safely and effectively and administer CPR. We want to share pictures from our teams globally.

L&P Brasil

Guadalajara, Mexico

Precision Hydraulic Cylinders (PHC), India

Shanghai, China

LPGS, China

L&P Jiaxing

Chieng Yeng, China

Pacoma Ningbo, China

Corporate Headquarters, US

We are so proud of our teams for putting people first!

Safety & Belonging at L&P

At L&P, safety – both physical and psychological – is a top priority.

We’re committed to creating safe workplaces, and we’re very proud of our teams around the world for putting people first. They prioritize safety, care for one another, and create an inclusive environment of mutual respect, empathy, and belonging.

This month on L&P social, we’re excited to share content and stories related to safety and belonging with you!

Celebrating Safety with ECS Employee of the Month Program

Our teams at the California locations of Elite Comfort Solutions (ECS) promote and celebrate safety with an Elite Safety Employee of the Month program.

Employees can nominate their peers who they recognize as safety leaders and who are making a difference at their branches. The managers from the facilities vote for a nominee, and the employee with the highest vote is named the Elite Safety Employee of the Month.

Angel Lagunas, Machine Operator at ECS Commerce, in Commerce, CA, is named Safety Employee of the Month.

“This program is helping employees across the ECS California network to understand the significance of a positive safety culture,” says Hugo Alvarez, Senior EHS Manager. “Recognizing the safety actions of the workforce promotes an autonomous safety culture and sets the example of what safety leaders look like.”

Each Safety Employee of the Month is recognized at a celebration luncheon at their branch, where the employee is given a certificate, a token of appreciation, and the entire branch is presented with a trophy that includes the names of past and present Safety Employees of the Month.

For the first time, the ECS California network plans to have a year-end celebration where they will invite the 2023 winners and name a Safety Employee of the Year.

Congratulations to ECS California and their commitment to prioritizing the safety and care of each other. You are living out our value of putting people first!

Pullmaflex’s Behavioral Approach to Safety

The Pullmaflex Automotive team in Ammanford, UK, takes a behavioral approach to safety. They understand that risk is a part of everyday life, and while they cannot eliminate risk, they can work to mitigate the impact of those risks.

“Most safety-related incidents occur when an individual is looking for the most direct, time efficient, or effective way to perform a task,” says Clare Rees, HR Business Partner at Pullmaflex. “By observing those routine tasks and understanding the natural path of an activity, we can find solutions that reduce risk by appealing to natural instincts.”

The team drives change in behavior by understanding the actions that cause the safety risks and simplifying those actions to make them more aligned with natural impulses.

“By understanding the true root cause of an action, we can manage the risk of reoccurrence by driving change in the behavior.”

The team drives this change by following guidelines like these:

  • Collaborate, communicate, listen, and understand
  • Celebrate safe behaviors
  • Identify risk and support change with positive reinforcement 
  • Always ask why and avoid blame
  • Support managers to reassess their environments with fresh eyes

Thank you to the Ammanford team for upholding our value of putting people first!

Class Is in Session!

We’re kicking back and relaxing before diving into an afternoon of. . .first aid training!

As we continue to spotlight safety at L&P, a group of employees got together in Detroit, Michigan, to learn how to administer first aid, protect against bloodborne pathogens, use a defibrillator, and perform CPR. We hope they never have to do it, but knowing how to do these things can save a life at work and beyond.

Thank you to our teams for putting people first by prioritizing safety and care for one another!

Kendallville: “Safe by Choice, Not by Chance”

The Home Furniture team in Kendallville, Indiana, operates with safety as the focus of everything they do, leading with the motto, “safe by choice, not by chance.”

Jess Morris, Human Resources Manager, shared about the team’s safety culture and what they are doing to put people first.

How do you promote safety at the facility?

Jess Morris, HR Manager at Kendallville

Every partner has a hand in our safety culture. Our partners look out for one another, and if they see something, they say something. It is an integral part of our daily routine to make sure all safeguards are in place, partners are using personal protective equipment (PPE), and our work areas are clean of debris and slip/trip/fall hazards.

We also have a suggestion program where we ask our partners what we can do to ensure they are protected. Our mindfulness of safety through this program has produced many safety measures that can prevent injuries and property damage. For example, one partner suggested we add a locking mechanism to our conveyors to prevent a rack from sliding back down into an operator’s area and potentially causing a safety incident.

Have you celebrated any safety milestones recently?

We celebrated an entire quarter, January through March, incident free! This achievement is simply due to our safety-minded and diligent partners. They put each other first by prioritizing safety – it’s not just a poster on the wall or a Monday morning meeting. Our safety team consists of many people from all aspects of our business – from office and shipping to production and maintenance – who work together to ensure we are undoubtedly safe in all operations.

Congratulations to the Kendallville team for their commitment to safety and living out our Leggett Values!

A Safety Milestone at Omega Motion

Our team at Omega Motion in Saltillo, Mississippi, just celebrated 250 days without a recordable injury – a new safety milestone!

They also recently had a contest to name the new safety mascot: Safety Sam.

Safety Sam helps to visually display the key risks in different work areas and promote safer behaviors. This is part of a focus on putting people first and a broader goal to “Drive to Zero” injuries.

Congrats to the entire Omega team!

Prioritizing Safety at Spring Hill

Our Adjustable Bed team in Spring Hill, Florida, is prioritizing safety and living out our value of putting people first.

When recognizing that the pneumatic stapler, a tool critical to the manufacturing process, posed a safety risk, the management team met with maintenance. Together they brainstormed, tested, and implemented a safety guard made out of scrap metal from a bed base.

Since using the safety guard, there have been zero accidents with the pneumatic stapler!

“Spring Hill is committed to a safety-first mentality,” says Jeff Nickell, General Manager. “Our motto is safety, quality, and production – in that order. We want to ensure every employee goes home safe each day.”

The team is continuing to innovate safety. They are working to improve the current safety guard design while testing safety prototypes for other tools.

Thanks to the Spring Hill team for prioritizing the safety of our employees and doing great work together!