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Andrea Osiek

Automotive Interiors Expo: Showcasing L&P’s Latest Innovations

Milosz Niec, Chief Engineer, demonstrates L&P’s premium advanced massage seat to a potential customer.

L&P Automotive recently attended the Automotive Interiors Expo, in Novi, Michigan. The three day event allowed potential customers to interact with our latest innovations in-person – including L&P’s mid-class luxury seating massage systems. That system, which features app-controlled pneumatics, adds a new level of comfort and improved wellbeing for drivers.

Other products on showcase included L&P’s sunroof, smart latch, and power liftgate actuators. To learn more about the products showcased at the event, visit:

Top 5 Fun Facts About Our Founders

You already know that Leggett and Platt created an incredible company, but did you know they were also highly-respected community leaders? Here are our top 5 facts about the duo who started it all.

1. Joseph (J.P.) Leggett was the child of immigrant parents. After leaving England, his father became a prominent citizen in Pennsylvania and secured Joseph’s early education at the Millville Seminary – knowledge he surely drew upon throughout his life as an inventor and businessman. As a young man, Joseph worked in St. Louis for several years before moving to Carthage, MO.

2. Cornelius Platt was an (actual) pioneer. At the age of 10, he and his family traveled from Iowa to Carthage in a covered wagon to become one of the town’s early settlers. His father, a blacksmith, started C.D. Platt Plow Works – where the first coiled bedsprings were produced in 1883.

3. They were born entrepreneurs! Leggett and Platt knew their sales market was limited in Carthage, so they decided to hit the road. After loading a horse-drawn wagon with bedsprings they traveled to nearby towns, drawing crowds as they assembled springs and slats on the spot.

4. They were civic leaders too. Both men were very active in the Carthage community. Leggett served as City Mayor from 1906 to 1912. He was also President of the Bank of Carthage and the Jasper County Fair Association. Platt served as Director of the Bank of Carthage and was President of the Board of Public Works from 1908 to 1929.

5. They loved life. Leggett spent much of his “spare” time inventing. He held patents for many ideas including a tea kettle lid, an endless necktie, and an automobile propelling system that was a predecessor of today’s front-wheel drive systems. He was also known as an avid hunter and fisherman. Platt loved to golf at the Broadview Country Club and was devoted to his church. He also owned Platt-Porter Co., a wholesale grocer best known for their fresh roasted coffee!

Top 5 Ways to Develop Your Professional Self

When it comes to navigating a career, Alissa Owsley really knows her stuff.

As Director of Learning & Development, she spends every day creating and improving training opportunities here at L&P. We asked her to share her Top 5 tips to develop yourself professionally. Here are her thoughts:

1. Be the boss! If you’re waiting for your manager or the company to hand you development opportunities on a golden platter, you’ve already failed. No one cares more about your professional growth than you. Stop waiting, grab the steering wheel, and be the boss of your own career development!

2. Get comfortable with discomfort. True change happens outside of your comfort zone. If you want to develop professionally, you’re going to have to face a little discomfort. Challenge yourself to take on tasks or assignments that stretch the limits of your abilities.

3. Build a social network. No, I don’t mean jumping on Facebook. There is a deep, abiding truth to the saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” If you stay in your office, and eat with the same people every day in the cafeteria, you’re going to go nowhere fast. Put your name and face in the minds of influencers.

4. Slide sideways. Gone are the days where career advancement means climbing an invisible ladder. Be open to lateral moves. Experience is invaluable wherever it may be found.

5. Get a coach. We all have blind spots when it comes to our own abilities and attitude. Find someone you trust to coach you on the road to professional development. We all need another set of eyes to navigate the career obstacles in our path.

New Year, New Perspectives – Carey Buchanan

It’s a new year, folks, and we’ve got some new faces at L&P! During the month of January, we’ll introduce you to several of our recent hires and their thoughts on the year ahead.

Meet Carey Buchanan, Programmer Analyst in Information Technology at L&P.

What brought you to Leggett?
I graduated in May from Missouri State University with a degree in Computer Science. As I started searching for employment I learned about the range of products that Leggett manufactures—it’s a lot more than just beds! I realized that a position here could provide me with a lot of opportunities.

What’s something surprising about you?
I commute from Springfield every day where I have a second job providing in-home care to people with disabilities. In my spare time, I love to take my Poodle Pointer, Sadie, to the dog park. I also have three chickens—Snap, Crackle, and Pop!

What’s your biggest goal for 2019?
First, I want to learn my way around this maze of a building! I am also really looking forward to learning a lot more about the company. Right now I am working on a rebuild of the Employee Store website and a business to consumer website for our bedding division. It will be fun to see those launch and to dive into even more projects.

New Year, New Perspectives – Brad Applebaum

It’s a new year, folks, and we’ve got some new faces at L&P! Throughout January, we’ll introduce you to several of our recent hires and their thoughts on the year ahead.

Meet Brad Applebaum, 3D Modeler in Creative Services at L&P.

What brought you to Leggett?
I graduated in 2009 and have worked several jobs in the industry. However, I was searching for a more stable career opportunity. I found Leggett & Platt’s profile on LinkedIn and was immediately attracted to the company’s long history. I like that L&P feels like a small, local business, yet has the opportunities of a much larger company.

What’s something surprising about you?
I’m a game developer in my spare time. I have one published title, “Healer: A Light in the Darkness,” which is available on the iTunes store. I also have several other community games that I share with friends. I enjoy this hobby because it really brings together my passions for storytelling and design in a fun way. I also get to collaborate with some very talented people.

What’s your biggest goal for 2019?
I really want to help our small 3D department make waves. Creative Services has had a talented 3D artist and animator for years. Now that there are two of us, we’re looking for more ways to increase our capacity and save company resources—all while keeping within Leggett’s overall culture and mission. While this is really a goal for the entire department, I’d like to champion the cause for 2019.

New Year, New Perspectives – Liana Green

It’s a new year, folks, and we’ve got some new faces at L&P! Over the next few weeks, we’ll introduce you to several of our recent hires and their thoughts on the year ahead.

First up, meet Liana Green, Benefits Clerk in Human Resources at L&P.

What brought you to Leggett?
I lived in New York for a long time, but I recently returned to Carthage to help care for my mother. As I began my job search, everyone I talked to had great things to say about Leggett & Platt. I wanted a long-term career and I knew this company would give me the stability I was looking for.

What’s something surprising about you?
My mom breeds Akitas, and right now we are taking care of 19 dogs on our property. We also have two goats that help “mow” the grass around the kennels. Because of my mom’s health issues, I help her take care of the animals and we both enjoy having so many puppies around. I live on 7 acres now, which has been a nice change from my small apartment in Hyde Park, NY.

What’s your biggest goal for 2019?
Professionally, I hope to learn as much as I can about retirement benefits. I have never worked in this area and I want to have a good understanding of how L&P coordinates them. This is important to me because I really want to be able to support my team here. Personally, my biggest goal for next year is to help my mom as much as I can.