It’s Take Our Kids to Work Day! We asked a few of our kids to describe what we do at L&P. Can you guess the jobs from these adorable descriptions? Answers below!
The very first Earth Day was celebrated in the United States on this day in 1970. In 1990, Earth Day became a global event and continues to be celebrated by millions of people around the world. It’s a day for us to come together to encourage conservation, recycling, and volunteering for the good of our planet.
Today, we invite you to explore ways you can make a difference at home, at work, or within your community. Even the smallest changes can make a big impact.
Here are a few ideas:
Before you throw something away, think about whether it can be recycled or repurposed. Did you know that a plastic bottle can take over 450 years to break down in a landfill?
Plant a tree. Trees provide shelter and food for animals, and they can provide much-needed shade during hotter months.
Turn off the lights and limit your water usage. Try to conserve energy and water by using only what you need.
Take a walk! For every mile walked instead of driven, nearly one pound of pollution is kept out of the air.
Today we honor the women of Leggett & Platt – past, current, and future generations. In doing so, we recognize the many L&P women who have made a positive impact and shaped our workplace into something better.
In the spirit of International Women’s Day, we invited a few of our employees to share what the day means to them. We collected the shared words and phrases from their stories.
Our team at the Home Furniture facility in Jiaxing, China, wishes everyone a happy and healthy Lunar New Year!
In China, the color red is aligned with happiness and good luck during festivals. Twelve animals rotate one by one to go along with a full Chinese Lunar Year.
For Lunar Year 2022, the guardian beast is Tiger, so the team in Jiaxing decorated with red tiger toys and wore clothes adorned with a tiger figure. “We expect the guardian beast to protect us and bring all the best to us,” explains Angela Ye, HR Director.
The team also decorated offices with red lanterns, wishing for a prosperous new year for our employees. We are all looking forward a safe, healthy, and happy Lunar New Year holiday with our families!