Category Archives: Culture

Leadership on the Front Lines: Supervisor Essentials Training

We care about learning at Leggett & Platt. It’s how we adapt, grow, and continually reinvent ourselves to succeed in our jobs. We’ve worked to foster a culture of learning for employees at every level, and at the core of our operations are hundreds of frontline supervisors who are ready to learn.

Supervisor Essentials is a training program geared specifically toward our frontline supervisors at manufacturing locations. “Frontline supervisors have a tremendous amount of influence on the culture of L&P,” says Stephanie Elliott, Learning & Development Program Manager. “It’s essential that we help equip them with the skills to be great leaders of people.”

For many years, a training program for frontline supervisors has been highly requested from our operations. Frontline supervisors juggle multiple demands throughout their workday. While facing deadlines and urgencies within their operations, they also often lead a team of people – which requires a different skillset altogether.

In response to this request, we launched a pilot program launched last fall, with a total of 65 participants completing a trial of the training in Missouri and Texas. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive as participants found the training to be relevant and impactful. One participant shared, “I learned how to look at both sides of an issue when working with my team, as well as how to be fair in my decision-making.”

This year, the same training from the pilot program became much more widely accessible to our operations, as onsite trainings are currently underway. Participants explore topics such as effective communication, leadership, safety, handling difficult interactions and conflict, and respect in the workplace. The program takes a blended learning approach of both eLearning and instructor-led training, which means participants will guide themselves through a series of online modules at their own pace, then also attend onsite training sessions to further explore to the material. Continue reading

Three Classes of Emerging Leaders

Here they are! L&P’s Emerging Leader Academy – Class of 2019, 2020, and 2021!

(Of course we ran with the silly photo. Anything with a front-and-center leprechaun jump is a winner in our books.)

We are so proud to host and learn alongside such a dedicated and diverse group of participants. Last week was a truly wonderful week!

A Few Scenes from The Summit

This week, our Corporate Headquarters welcomed an amazing group of people to the third annual Emerging Leader Academy (ELA) conference! Over 100 L&P employees joined us from across the globe to network, learn from senior leaders, and study concepts of change management. What a week it’s been!

Doug Thrasher (Plant Manager, Carthage Wire Mill) shares his thoughts on change management during the roundtable networking event.

Mitch Dolloff (COO) and Steve Henderson (President-Automotive Group) spoke openly about their vision for the future of L&P during the closing keynote.

Participants had many opportunities to network and build their relationships — some even enjoyed a quick game of horseshoes during lunch.

ELA participants Nathan Herndon, Chris Whitesell, and Vinny Dimino.

Ben Cuthbert (European Sales & Marketing Director) was peer selected to serve as Valedictorian of the 2019 graduating class.


The Legacy of Jim Hess

Today we celebrated the legacy of Jim Hess, former VP of Operations Services, by dedicating a conference room in his honor during a ceremony for his friends and family. For 17 years, Jim’s passion for statistics and continuous improvement impacted many of us at L&P. His work will live on for years to come.

MFG Day Recap: Pizza and Partnership at Spring Hill

Last Friday, manufacturers across the United States celebrated Manufacturing Day, also known as MFG Day, by opening their doors to showcase the potential of modern manufacturing and inspire the next generation of manufacturers.

This year, five L&P locations hosted MFG Day activities:

• Flex-O-Lators in Carthage, MO
• Flooring Products in Berwick, PA
• Genesis Seating in Kentwood, MI
• Davidson Plyforms in Grand Rapids, MI
• Adjustable Bed (Consumer Products) in Spring Hill, FL

Our Adjustable Bed branch in Spring Hill, Florida, hosted a representative from NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) and a Recruiter in Workforce Development at Pasco-Hernando State College.

They were also visited by students from Bishop McLaughlin Catholic High School.

MFG Day 1

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A Few Scenes from The Summit

The Emerging Leader Academy (ELA) annual conference is in full swing at our Corporate Headquarters! We’re hosting nearly 100 L&P employees from across the globe to network, learn from senior leaders, and improve business acumen. What a week it’s already been!

Networking 1

CFO Matt Flanigan networks with ELA participants Andy Cline and Travis Sageser.

Networking 2

Sonia Smith, President of European Automotive, and Joe Espinoza, President of Asian Automotive, check in at the start of the conference.

Networking 3

ELA participants Andy Cline and Jennifer Little.

Networking 4

Mitch Dolloff, President of Specialized Products and Furniture Products, opened day two by sharing his vision for the future L&P.

Networking 5

A small warm-up activity for day two.

Networking 6

Our L&D Program Managers, Rob Sotlar and Stephanie Elliott.

ELA Seal Logo

Transition to Teamwork at L&P Automotive Europe

“Leggett’s people are our greatest asset,” says Karl Glassman, President and CEO. “But it’s really about the right group of people, empowered with the right knowledge, resources, and authority, working together in the right roles for the right result.” At L&P Automotive Europe, this concept is transforming Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) from the ground up.

A New Direction

With a goal of profitable growth, a teamwork-based approach is revolutionizing the way the group interacts, reacts to customer demand, and plans for the future. Group collaboration across the entire S&OP process has all team members engaged in each step, and it allows their areas of expertise to enhance operations at every level.


S&OP is a five-step process to review projections for demand, supply, and the resulting financial impact, which then helps with inventory management, promotional planning, accurate budget forecasting, and managing product lifecycles.

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Photo Gallery: Leggett Learn-A-Rama

Last Friday, our Corporate Office got groovy. The 1970s-themed Learn-A-Rama showcased various departments, the faces behind the scenes, and what exactly they do every day. Our employees strolled through the booths and received helpful info on what goes on outside of their own departments. We played games, snacked, solved puzzles… even danced to the Y.M.C.A.! It was a wild success! Here are a few of our favorite photos from the day.

Harry M. Cornell, Jr.: A Lifetime of Leadership

On May 16, our Corporate headquarters was dedicated as the Cornell Campus after Harry M. Cornell, Jr., whose legacy of honesty, commitment, and accountability defines our company culture to this day. The dedication included presentations from Leggett’s leaders, which detailed Harry’s remarkable contributions to the company. Future plans were also announced to erect a statue of Harry at the front office entrance.

As part of the dedication, Leggett unveiled a new sign at the campus entrance.

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Corporate with a Twist: Spotlight on Creative Services

Far across the parking lot from the corporate offices sits a nondescript little building – it may not look like much from the outside, but inside, you’ll find bright-colored walls, outlandishly decorated offices, and, occasionally, people running around in 1970s-era business attire. That’s because this building is home to Creative Services, Leggett & Platt’s marketing department. CS handles everything from websites and videos to ads and tradeshows for any L&P branch that needs it, as well as for outside clients.

(It also happens to be where I work.)


Growing a Department

The department has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1966, when it was a one-man show devoted to providing logo and design services to both L&P companies and our clients. Continue reading