Category Archives: General

The ADKAR Model: A Change Management Tool We Can Use Every Day

This year has unfolded with many unexpected changes, and sometimes it can all feel overwhelming. We asked one of our Managers of Change Excellence at L&P to weigh in on the topics of change, uncertainty, and how to move forward.

She said one change management concept that comes to mind can be used both at work and at home – the ADKAR model, which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. This model originated from Prosci to guide organizational change.

“We can make change easier by applying this model to our own personal experiences, and also reduce those ‘out-of-control’ feelings,” she said.

She gave us a quick look at the model and how we can take bits and pieces of it for our own unique circumstances.

Awareness. First, you must try to understand what any specific change is about – why it’s happening and when, who is involved, and what needs to be done about it.

Desire. Next, you need to have a reason to want to make the change. This can mean looking at what you have to gain, but it can also involve understanding the adverse consequences of not changing. For example, you may consider continuing your education in order to advance your career. But you might alternatively consider the impact on you and your family’s future by not pursuing it (i.e., what might it mean not to pursue a higher salary?).

Knowledge. Learning what you need to know in order to succeed is very important. In business, we typically offer various types of training. You can also ask a more experienced friend or family member for insight, do a little research, or even practice to help you feel some competence or mastery. For example, if you would like to learn how to fish, you might check out some fishing videos and ask a friend or family member with experience for help getting started.

Ability. Ask yourself what you need in order to succeed. Look for enablers and barriers. In the fishing example, some enablers would include fishing gear and access to water. Lack of time or even the wrong bait would be barriers to your success.

Reinforcement. Listen for feedback – which can come in many forms. Also, reward yourself for making your change, whatever it is, and keep in mind that small rewards along the way are usually more effective than a big reward at the end.

A Statement from L&P

Leggett & Platt is proud to join with many other US manufacturers to assist with the response to COVID-19. Between our foam lab producing hand sanitizer, furniture operations creating cloth face masks, and bedding facilities supplying both components and finished mattresses for emergency use, L&P employees are providing innovative solutions to meet the urgent supply needs.

“L&P is a critical supplier of wire components to US N95 mask producers,” explains Karl Glassman, CEO. “But, where they are able, our teams are doing so much more. We’ve redeployed raw materials for use by our branches and other companies in the manufacture of critical products, including the supply of foam bands used on face shields and the fabric required for many hospital applications.”

The Company is also partnering with other US mattress producers, which collectively have the ability to manufacture and deliver more than 400,000 mattresses a week for potential emergency use during the COVID-19 crisis. L&P is using its mattress and components production capabilities to aid US mattress producers in fulfilling urgent needs in states all across the country.

“No one person or company can do everything,” adds Glassman. “But if we all do what we are able, we can accomplish big things together.”

US mattress manufacturers have reached out to the Administration and various local governments and hospitals to determine where needs exist and they stand ready to meet those needs. Click here to read more about what some of the US mattress producers are doing.

Today’s Employee Town Hall Meeting

We’d like to thank all the employees who attended this morning’s Town Hall Meeting — both at Corporate and around the globe via live broadcast. We look forward to an exciting future at L&P!

Official Photo: Ribbon Cutting at Market

Last week, we shared a behind-the-scenes shot of our ribbon cutting ceremony during Las Vegas Market. Here’s the official photo!

Congrats to our team for a beautifully remodeled showroom and a successful week at Market!

MFG Day Recap: Showcasing Modern Manufacturing to Our Next Generation

Last Friday, manufacturers across the United States celebrated Manufacturing Day, also known as MFG Day, by opening their doors to showcase the potential of modern manufacturing and inspire the next generation of manufacturers.

This year, six L&P locations hosted MFG Day activities:

  • Carthage Spring in Carthage, MO
  • Flex-O-Lators in Carthage, MO
  • Genesis Seating in Kentwood, MI
  • Davidson Plyforms in Grand Rapids, MI
  • Adjustable Bed (Consumer Products) in Spring Hill, FL
  • Pegasus Manufacturing in Middletown, CT

Here are a few highlights from the day!

A manufacturing team at Spring Hill demonstrated the assembly of an adjustable base for local students.

L&P’s Walter Jones welcomed students from Pasco-Hernando State College.

Spring Hill management pictured with guests of honor.

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