Eco-Friendly Action Challenge in Japan

Recently, our team in Japan challenged one another to do eco-friendly actions in honor of Earth Day.

Team members could choose to go paperless, conserve energy, recycle, and review their transportation methods. Once they made an effort towards one of the actions, they drew a smiley face next to it.

We want to say thank you to our team in Japan for doing great work together and caring for the environment!

Happy Retirement, Robert!

After 27 years of dedicated service to L&P, please join us in extending best wishes to Robert McKinzie on his upcoming retirement!

Robert’s Career at L&P

Robert joined Leggett & Platt in 1996, working in Human Resources (HR) as a Training and Development Consultant. He continued to serve in various HR roles of increasing responsibility, being named Staff Vice President – Labor Relations and Continuous Improvement in 2007. In 2011, he was promoted to Vice President – Operations Services before shifting direction a few years later and being named Vice President, President of Rod & Wire Products in 2018. For the past few years, Robert has served as Vice President – Continuous Improvement, Quality, and EHS for domestic bedding.

Looking Back

We asked Robert to share about his favorite memories and what he enjoyed doing the most at L&P:

It’s difficult to find a favorite memory at Leggett because I’ve had so many of them over the years! One of my favorite memories is from my deployment during the Iraq War in 2004. While I was on the border of Iraq and Kuwait for nearly a year, helping run a base camp, I would routinely receive great care packages from Leggett partners in the HR Department. They would contain everything—food, kind notes, encouragement, and pictures. I also received a personal letter from Harry Cornell that thanked me for my military service! He was retired and the Chairman of the Board at that time. The level of care that our company takes to show appreciation for its partners really impressed me.

I have loved every job I’ve been blessed to have at Leggett. I just finished listening to the Women in Leadership discussion with Leggett’s women Board of Directors, and something they said hit home for me. The group was asked what they would tell their “younger self,” and the response was to enjoy the journey—it’s about the journey and not the destination! 

Leggett is a company that will provide you with opportunities. Don’t hesitate to raise your hand and take on new challenges. Don’t be afraid to fail—fail fast, learn from it, and grow. Find people to mentor you, and also, find people you can mentor.

Looking Forward

In retirement, Robert plans to dedicate his time to his personal businesses while also continuing to mentor and support young people in recovery. As one of their bigger projects, Robert and his wife, Mandi, are currently renovating an old hotel building in Leitchfield, Kentucky, into an event center, a restaurant, and Airbnb rentals.

We wish you all the best, Robert!

Mental Health Check-In Tips

Throughout the month of May, we’re sharing resources and tips for Mental Health Awareness Month. This week, we’re spotlighting mental health check-in tips.

We know it’s important to ask others how’re they’re doing, but we often forget to check in with ourselves or we wait until a major life event to assess how we’re doing. It’s important to routinely reflect on our mental wellbeing so we can address any issues, feel our best, and be better equipped to help others.

Ready to check in? Here are five tips to keep in mind:

  1. Schedule time to reflect. Scheduling some personal time can help minimize distractions and create space for us to be fully present with ourselves.
  2. Assess physical health. Physical health and mental health are interconnected, so ensuring that we’re eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting quality sleep can promote good mental health.
  3. Notice feelings and behaviors. Changes in mood or behavior that last two weeks or longer could indicate a mental health issue. If you want help deciding whether or not you should speak to a health care professional about your mental health, check out the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) one-page guide: My Mental Health: Do I Need Help? For information on starting a conversation with a health care professional, take a look at the NIMH’s Tips for Talking with a Health Care Provider About Your Mental Health.
  4. Know your support system. Whether it’s a single person or multiple people, knowing who we can count on when we need support can make reaching out for help a little easier.
  5. Ensure there’s a source of joy. Doing something that makes us happy, whether that’s a hobby, watching a favorite show, spending time with friends and family, or just relaxing, can help maintain good mental health or improve it.


Dastagir, Alia E. “Am I OK? How to Do a Mental Health Check.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC, 2 May 2021,

“How to Check In On Your Mental Health: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Every Day.” Health e-Living Blog, Chester County Hospital, 3 May 2021,

Community Cleanup Day at Spühl

With eagle eyes, trash grabbers, and — despite the unpredictable April weather — a good mood, four teams from our Spühl location picked up trash around Wittenbach, Switzerland, in honor of Earth Day.

The teams removed more than 10 kilograms (approximately 22 pounds) of residual waste and a bag full of glass! When they were finished, they celebrated with a grilled bratwurst and a drink.

We want to say thank you to our teams at Spühl for their commitment to helping keep our communities clean!

“Success is Showing That We Care”

Our Home Furniture team in Kendallville, Indiana, recently came together to celebrate Earth Day and appreciate one another’s hard work.

After a tornado halted production at one of our locations in Mississippi, some of our branches increased production to help out, and the Kendallville branch was one of them. “We decided to roll our celebrations into a big thank you!” says Jess Morris, Human Resources Manager at Kendallville.

To celebrate, the team enjoyed grilled cheese sandwiches, chips, and could choose from a mix of perennial plants — tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and grape hyacinths — to take home. The appreciation note next to the plants says, “Just like plants need water to grow, we need you to be successful! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our team.”

At Kendallville, “Success is showing that we care, not only for our customers, but for our partners and our environment as well,” says Jess. “We take pride in our work, we stand beside one another, and we take care of our environment by being a zero-landfill facility. We recycle and reuse everything we can to help lessen our carbon footprint.”

Thank you to our team in Kendallville for your commitment to care for one another and the environment!

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month—a time to start a conversation and raise awareness about mental health issues.

Like physical health, everyone has mental health, which is an overall state of emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. The quality of our mental health can change over time due to life experiences.

Even though we tend to value health and talk about it openly, mental health is often excluded from the conversation due to negative attitudes or beliefs about people with mental health issues. At any given time, many of us are struggling with a mental health issue like a mental illness, which is a condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. According to the World Health Organization, approximately one billion people are living with a mental illness—that’s 1 in every 8 people.

By talking about mental health, we can help create a culture where people feel comfortable with sharing their stories, finding support, and helping others. Throughout the month of May, we’ll share some resources and tips for talking about and improving mental health.


Barnes, Carlin, and Marketa Wills. “The Importance of Mental Health Awareness Month.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, LLC, 14 May 2021,

How to Improve Mental Health. (n.d.). MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Mental Illness.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 13 Dec. 2022,

“Nearly One Billion People Have a Mental Disorder: WHO.” UN News, United Nations, 17 June 2022,

L&P Sustainability: Forestry

At L&P, we are committed to the responsible use of raw materials, which includes the wood we use in our various bedding products.

In 2022, our U.S. Spring business’s spend with Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)-certified sources increased by approximately 4% to 76%, compared to 2021. We are also increasing the use of FSC®-certified wood products in our Work Furniture business to help our customers achieve their sustainability goals. 

Read more about our sustainability efforts here: Leggett & Platt 2023 Sustainability Report

L&P Sustainability: Flooring Products

At L&P, our businesses are building sustainability into product development processes and designing products for improved durability, recovery, and recycling at end of life. 

Our Flooring Products business manufactures carpet underlay products that make a direct contribution towards LEED green building certification for our customers. All products can be 100% recycled at the end of their useful life and exceed the CRI Green Label Plus test program. Green Label Plus is an independent testing program that identifies carpet, adhesive, and cushion products with very low volatile organic compounds emissions to help improve indoor air quality and helps our customers achieve LEED green building certification. 

Read more about our sustainability efforts here: Leggett & Platt 2023 Sustainability Report

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

April 26 is Administrative Professionals Day, and we want to say thank you to the amazing administrative professionals at L&P. You do so much for us—you keep us connected and organized, ensure we’re paid, and much more. We admire and appreciate you!

In honor of Administrative Professionals Day, we invited some of our employees to share what they enjoy most about what they do at L&P. Check out what they shared below.

Amy Robinett
Senior Fixed Asset Accounting Clerk

The best aspect of my job has always been the people I work with. 

Throughout my years at Leggett, I have cultivated and fostered many friendships. These relationships have helped me develop better communication skills and aided me in my commitment to do my best for the company.

Anjali Saini
Human Resources Assistant

One of the most enjoyable aspects of being an administrative professional at L&P is the ability to collaborate with others. People from all levels in the organization come to me for help with their various needs in the office.

No two days are the same, and every day has a new challenge. I enjoy the diversity of tasks and the unexpected challenges, as they make my days very interesting. In a Human Resources role, I learn a little bit of everything—whether I’m learning from my manager, from collaborating with other assistants, or by solving problems and tackling projects. I enjoy being able to jump in to support the company in any way I can.

Carla Oliveira
Customer Service Assistant

A cada oportunidade novos conhecimentos, a cada desafio uma nova vitória. É disso que gosto em fazer parte do administrativo da Leggett, em cada setor que já tive o prazer de trabalhar percebo meu desenvolvimento e me sinto profissionalmente reconhecida. Feliz por ter a oportunidade de estar aqui, feliz por fazer parte do time de vendas e feliz por fazer parte dessa família top que é a Leggett Brasil. 

English Translation: Every opportunity brings new knowledge, and every challenge is a new victory. That’s why I like to be an L&P administrative professional. In every sector I’ve had the pleasure of working in, I’ve noticed my development and feel professionally recognized. I’m happy to have the opportunity to be here, happy to be part of the sales team, and happy to be part of this top family that is Leggett Brazil.

Catherine Lovell
HR & Payroll Officer

I have worked at the Ammanford, UK, branch for 2 years, and I can honestly say it has been a great experience.

At Leggett & Platt, I have felt supported and encouraged within my role by my manager, Clare Rees, and given opportunities to develop my skill set, which is very important to me. Working with a strong and supportive team in a progressive culture makes coming to work a pleasure. I am looking forward to developing my role further at L&P.

Cheryl Jones
Senior Audit Coordinator

What I enjoy most about being an administrative professional at L&P is my department and the people I get to work with every day. I honestly work with some of the best people in Internal Audit. We are close to each other and get together at and outside of work. It feels like a big family. They know that, whatever they need, I am going to do what I can to help them. Sometimes, it feels like I have 28 extra kids, and you know you would do anything for your kids.

That is reciprocated tenfold, as they go out of their way to show me love and appreciation each day. Last year for my 35th anniversary with L&P, current and previous coworkers arranged for me to be showered with love and appreciation for the 35 days leading up to my anniversary. I can’t even begin to share how many ways they’ve showed their appreciation throughout the years, and I honestly can’t imagine working in any other department. 

Kelly Garant
Engineering Assistant

As an administrator in the automotive industry, I enjoy being in an important and supportive role that allows me to work with people at all levels in the organization. I also really enjoy how my position offers a lot of variety—one day is rarely the same as the next.

My mantra is fostering a fun, friendly, and positive work atmosphere, as well as advocating for teamwork and team spirit.

Kelly Taylor
Sr. Credit Maintenance Support Clerk

I truly love working at Leggett & Platt. It’s a great forward-thinking company, and the people I work with are the best part. It’s a very comfortable, yet professional, environment.

We all work together as a team to provide support to our credit management, branch locations, and customers. I love having a variety of tasks that make each day different. 

Nicoleta Cretu
Management Assistant

As an administrative professional at L&P, I enjoy helping others. Many times, I’m the first point of contact for my colleagues, providing support to help solve their problems.

In my 12 years at L&P, I’ve taken on an increasing number of roles and responsibilities at the request of management, and I’ve carried out these duties to the best of my abilities. This enabled me to contribute to the company’s growth and my personal development.

My position comes with evolving challenges, which I see as opportunities for learning and growth. I enjoy taking on new tasks that challenge me to use my skills in new ways or to develop new ones. When a new challenge arises, I am eager to find the best solution for everyone.

Teresa Robertson
Short Term Disability Claims Administrator

I enjoy the opportunity to meet and assist employees at Corporate and at branches throughout the United States. 

I especially enjoy having a job which gives me the opportunity to work in an environment that feels like family. I am blessed that work relationships have turned into friendships that I will keep long past my career at L&P.

Investing in Our L&P Communities: Trinity River Waterwheels Initiative

Leggett & Platt believes in supporting the communities where we live and work. With that goal at heart, L&P is sponsoring the Trinity River Waterwheels Initiative in Fort Worth, Texas.

This initiative seeks to install large, solar-powered litter capture devices, or “waterwheels,” in the Trinity River. Waterwheels are a proven, sustainable, lower-cost technology to clean waterways. A waterwheel can remove up to 50,000 pounds of litter per day – about the size of two and a half garbage trucks. Removing the waste protects the water quality, improves the aesthetic and usability of the river, and improves the aquatic ecosystem for fish and wildlife.

“The Trinity River provides 710 miles of habitat, drinking water, tourism, and recreation,” said Juli Ragland, Environmental Program Manager for the City of Fort Worth. “The impact of this project will reach beyond Fort Worth and the metroplex and provide a cleaner river to the Gulf of Mexico.”

Mr. Trash Wheel, the first waterwheel created in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Trinity River Waterwheels initiative aligns with our L&P commitment to being good stewards of the environment and our company’s value of doing great work together.

“We are excited to be part of the solution to reduce litter in the City of Fort Worth through our support of the Trinity River Waterwheels Initiative,” said Tamara Cook, L&P’s Sustainability Director. “The Waterwheels will benefit the Fort Worth community and communities beyond by collecting trash and litter from the Trinity River.”

The Waterwheels Initiative also aligns with our commitment to being good partners in the communities where we operate. Leggett has produced carpet padding in the Fort Worth area for over 50 years and works hard to create sustainable solutions with our products. In our Flooring business, we manufacture carpet cushion products that are certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label Plus and help customers achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification. Each year, we incorporate several hundred million pounds of recycled urethane foam in our production of bonded carpet cushion.

“Supporting the Waterwheels initiative and recycling foam to make new carpet cushion products are excellent examples of how L&P is supporting positive environmental impacts in the Fort Worth community,” concludes Tamara.

To learn more about the Trinity River Waterwheels Initiative and follow along as they plan construction for the first Waterwheel in Fort Worth, visit their website. And to learn more about our Environmental, Social, and Governance efforts, visit