From taking on new responsibilities to learning new skills, our team members have shown dedication and commitment to their careers. This month, we’re sharing some of their stories related to professional growth.

Sarah Peterson started her career with L&P in July 2017 as an intern in Internal Audit. In December 2017, she joined the Internal Audit team full-time. She progressed within the department in various roles, most recently serving as the Fraud and Due Diligence Supervisor, where she investigated complaints from our Ethics Hotline.
In September, Sarah made a career transition and was promoted to Program Manager of the Sustainability team. Leaving the Internal Audit team and moving to a new department and role was bittersweet but exciting.
“Internal Audit was my home – I met my husband and some of my best friends there. I loved who I worked for and saying ‘goodbye’ was emotionally tolling. When I was asked to help the Sustainability team, I knew it was time to fly. I had gained so much knowledge and experience, and it was time to share it. I’ve been able to point back to systems, people, processes, and skillsets that I was privy to during my time with Internal Audit. I’m so thankful it was my foundation – the exposure and opportunities are unparalleled.”
In her new role, Sarah is helping to assist and strengthen L&P’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) processes to make them more consistent and reliable.
“I’ve been enjoying learning about things such as greenhouse gas emissions and our carbon footprint, as well as being behind the scenes of our Sustainability Report and working on compliance efforts pertaining to ESG regulations. I have never been busier!”

Looking back at her career, Sarah credits her willingness to step up and take on tasks as a catalyst for her professional growth.
“I’ve never waited for someone to ask me to do something. If I see that a need exists, whether it be a task, a project, help of some kind – I do it. I’ve always raised my hand, especially regarding cross-functional projects or opportunities that allow me to work with those I don’t normally get to. I’ve made many friendships and connections this way.”
Sarah hopes her journey inspires others to embrace change and pursue their goals.
“We all know growth happens within the discomfort. Have the confidence to know what you bring to the table, but also, and sometimes more importantly, the humility to know when you don’t have it all figured out. Ask the questions, offer insight, and remember we are all trying to get through life. Be kind.”
In life, Sarah’s most important title is mom. When she isn’t volunteering for the Women’s Employee Resource Group or working on sustainability goals, she spends time with her two-year-old son, Tuck.
“He is the craziest little boy, and I love every second of this climbing, bouncing, jumping, giggling, ‘mom-watch’ phase.”