We love this vintage L&P newspaper ad almost as much as kids love bunk beds.

Vintage ad from the Maryville Daily Forum
April 16, 1958
We love this vintage L&P newspaper ad almost as much as kids love bunk beds.
Vintage ad from the Maryville Daily Forum
April 16, 1958
We love our coffee here at L&P. Apparently, Cornelius Platt did too.
Here’s an ad from his venture into wholesale groceries with George Porter (this was in addition to his partnership with J.P. Leggett). Legend has it that in 1926, Platt and Porter roasted and ground 200,000 pounds of green coffee beans that yielded 165,000 pounds of coffee.
This throwback for your Thursday proves it: Even in 1948 we had a lot of winners on our team!
(Corsicana Daily Sun, Jan 23, 1948)
Back in the day, we often explored potential acquisitions through contacts at tradeshows. Here’s a display from a tradeshow in the 1970s.
Fast forward to today, and our Exhibit Solutions team is growing and busier than ever!
Here’s a throwback for your Thursday! A company truck at the Louisville plant loads up for deliveries.