Throughout the month of May, we’re sharing mental health resources and tips. This week, we’re spotlighting strategies for coping with the Sunday scaries.
With the weekend approaching, many of us are ready to relax and set aside work until Monday. But, when Sunday rolls around, many people experience apprehension that comes from anticipating a new work week. You may know this feeling as the Sunday scaries.
According to research, the Sunday scaries typically creep in around 3:58 PM on Sunday and last throughout the evening. Fortunately, there are strategies to make the transition from the weekend to work a little easier. Check out these three tips:
- Make a To-Do List for Monday — If you can’t stop thinking about what you need to accomplish at work, you can try to create space to relax by writing down work priorities for Monday.
- Stick to a Sunday Evening Routine — Our minds find comfort in consistency. Consider adhering to an evening routine that’s filled with easy and enjoyable activities.
- Make Monday Special — Having something to look forward to can help ease anxiety. On Mondays, consider treating yourself to something special.

Good, Candace. “How to Beat the Sunday Scaries.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, LLC, 23 Sept. 2021,
“What Are the ‘Sunday Scaries’?” Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, 8 Dec. 2021,