L&P Brazil Designated as a Great Place to Work

Last month, L&P Brazil completed an employee engagement survey as part of their application for Great Place to Work certification. All employees were invited to participate in the survey anonymously, which was conducted by the GPTW Institute.

Results showed that 83% of L&P Brazil employees have a very favorable opinion about their facility, managers, and our company. These employees responded that they take pride in the work they are doing, feel it is an emotionally healthy place to work, feel supported and appreciated, and can depend on their leaders. Many of the participants also left written comments to further improve the culture at the facility.

We are very proud of their facility and know that it takes everyone working together to drive such a positive working environment. The high score they received on the survey qualified L&P Brazil to be certified as a Great Place To Work company for the second year in a row.

In celebration, all employees received a commemorative t-shirt to thank them for their efforts over the past year. A special lunch was prepared for employees working in the facility and a box of snacks was delivered to all remote workers.

“It’s exciting to work in a company where employees recognize that they are important. This certification was only possible because of the intense effort they give each day,” says Gustavo Lemos, President of L&P South America.

“It’s simple,” he continues. “We are defined by our people.”

We couldn’t agree more.