Last Friday, manufacturers across the United States celebrated Manufacturing Day, also known as MFG Day, by opening their doors to showcase the potential of modern manufacturing and inspire the next generation of manufacturers.
This year, six L&P locations hosted MFG Day activities:
- Carthage Spring in Carthage, MO
- Flex-O-Lators in Carthage, MO
- Genesis Seating in Kentwood, MI
- Davidson Plyforms in Grand Rapids, MI
- Adjustable Bed (Consumer Products) in Spring Hill, FL
- Pegasus Manufacturing in Middletown, CT
Here are a few highlights from the day!

A manufacturing team at Spring Hill demonstrated the assembly of an adjustable base for local students.

L&P’s Walter Jones welcomed students from Pasco-Hernando State College.

Spring Hill management pictured with guests of honor.

Carthage Spring’s management team was ready for a day of facility tours. The team hosted local high school students and even provided refreshments.

Pegasus held three open house events on MFG Day. A total of 29 visitors were able to learn more about aerospace manufacturing by touring the facility.

L&P’s Chris DiPentima leads a tour through the Pegasus facility.