Our Global Mindset

Since 1883, our goal has been simple – help people lead more comfortable lives. With deep roots in Carthage, Missouri, United States, we pioneered sleep technology when we introduced the bedspring 140 years ago. Now, we’re so much more!

Today, we’re proud to have teams all over the world – from Europe, Asia, Mexico, Brazil, and Canada. We’re also proud to produce a diverse array of products that can be found in most homes, offices, and vehicles.

As a global company, we are focused on building a diverse and innovative organization that reflects the customers we serve and the communities in which we operate, as well as honors the voices of our employees around the world.

During the next few weeks, we look forward to sharing a little more about our global mindset.

Get to Know 3D Design with L&P Creative Services

3D design is a powerful tool in the Leggett & Platt Creative Services arsenal!

From giving viewers an inside look of product cutaways to creating comprehensive product-explanation videos, our Creative Services’ 3D team creates unique designs that will benefit your business.

The Benefits of 3D Design

Using 3D design has many benefits:

  • 3D imaging can reduce costs by forming fully digital products and environments from reference images rather than relying on costly shipping.
  • 3D design reduces waste. A finished model can be revisited for different images and animations, saving time and money.
  • 3D cameras can capture near-impossible angles and movements of products and environments.
  • 3D tracking allows the creation of digital stand-ins, allowing seamless integration of 3D elements into videos and photography.
  • 3D allows you to simulate how different forces might react to various elements.
  • 3D is great for training materials because it can remove unnecessary objects from a scene.
  • 3D design allows for full control over product stylization vs. realism.

The 3D Design Process

The 3D design process has three main stages: pre-production, production, and post-production:

  1. Pre-production is where our 3D team gathers visual references for anything featured in the final deliverables. This includes product images, product CAD drawings from engineers, videos of how processes are performed, and verbal explanations of prototyped creations. If necessary, a script and/or storyboard is created, and the production is planned out.
  2. Production consists of the bulk of the work for our 3D team. Objects are modeled on the computer as if by sculpting digital clay. They are given surface materials and textures and then assembled into scenes with digital lights and cameras mimicking real-world studio environments.

    The final process in production – rendering – is often the longest. Rendering produces a frame-by-frame finished product that can be delivered as is or go to post-production for polishing.
  3. Post-production is anything done post-rendering. Animations are assembled into videos, color corrections are applied, voice-overs and music are added, and the final product is created.

Connect With L&P Creative Services

Our 3D team is committed to serving you at minimal cost. Businesses usually charge an average of $6,000 for a 30-second animation*, but with L&P Creative Services, the average is closer to $750!

Have questions about 3D design or want to discuss a project idea? Contact L&P Creative Services at creativeservices@leggett.com.

*The average cost for a 30-second animation is based on the following website: Animation Price Guide and 3D VFX Cost Calculator

Global Talent Acquisition Day: Spotlighting Our TA Team

As a global company, we are committed to building a diverse and innovative organization that reflects the customers we serve and the communities in which we operate. This commitment also honors the voices of our employees around the world. We couldn’t do this without our Talent Acquisition (TA) team, which plays a pivotal role in our business success by attracting and hiring the top talent for our organization.

In celebration of Global Talent Acquisition Day, we are excited to spotlight our TA team! We talked with Kathy Thorman, Senior Talent Acquisition Advisor for Specialized Products.

What inspired you to pursue a career in talent acquisition?

I was working in marketing research when my company was sold. I had a colleague who had made the transition to recruiting. These career paths have very similar skill sets – a natural curiosity, a joy of meeting and understanding people’s needs, and good listening skills. It has been a joy to impact people with new employment that has the power to change their lives.

What are some of the biggest challenges the TA team faces, and how do you overcome them?

Over the past few years, the job market has experienced significant volatility. Our ability to keep up with the latest trends in employment and stay agile has been crucial. While Leggett & Platt may not be a household name, our products touch most households in some way. We have a compelling story of progress and change with integrity that resonates with candidates seeking stability and honesty in the workplace.

How do you ensure consistency in the recruitment process across various regions?

We have a complete and in-depth process map used by all TA team members across divisions and regions. As business operations change and improve, we update our vision with new information and thorough training.

How do you foster collaboration and communication within a geographically dispersed team?

We have a great leadership team that fosters communication through regular team meetings, quarterly updates, and shared team chats that bring everyone together.  We are a tight-knit group, always looking to help and collaborate with one another. Our leaders’ open-door policy extends communication from the bottom up and top down.

How do you collaborate with other departments to understand their hiring needs?

We promote and maintain relationships with our Hiring Managers in each of our recruiting areas. We are also closely aligned with the HR Business Partners at the sites and the HR Directors for the divisions. This strong partnership leads to a synergy of efforts to provide candidates for current opportunities and coordinate the vision for upcoming workforce planning.


Thank you to Kathy and our entire Talent Acquisition team for your dedication and hard work in ensuring we have the best and the brightest at Leggett & Platt!

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day to all who are celebrating!

DYK: Volunteering Can Help You Feel Less Stressed

Want to feel less stressed? Consider volunteering! 👐

Volunteering can reduce the amount of cortisol – a stress hormone – your body produces, helping you feel less stressed on days you volunteer.


Han S, Kim K, Burr JA. STRESS-BUFFERING EFFECTS OF VOLUNTEERING ON SALIVARY CORTISOL: RESULTS FROM A DAILY DIARY STUDY. Innov Aging. 2018 Nov 11;2(Suppl 1):75. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy023.283. PMCID: PMC6228389.

Women’s Equality Day: Empower, Advocate, and Inspire

August 26 is Women’s Equality Day!

Today, we’re remembering the passage of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution – which granted women the right to vote – in 1920. We’re also celebrating the achievements of women’s rights activists and are reminded of the unique struggles women face in the pursuit of equality.

We asked members of our Women’s ERG to share when they feel empowered, who inspires them, and ways we can advocate for women:

I feel empowered when. . .

  • Someone proactively reaches out to me for help, because they’ve seen me demonstrate knowledge and capability elsewhere.
  • I am recognized for my talent and given new opportunities.
  • I can be open and honest about challenges I’m dealing with. Feeling heard and being able to collaborate to bring change is very empowering.
  • My voice is heard and contributions are valued. When I have the opportunity to lead a team or an initiative, I take pride in owning the creation or leading execution. I feel stifled and devalued when I’m micromanaged and not given the freedom to lead or when my work isn’t appreciated.
  • I accomplish goals I’ve set for myself or when I’ve helped family or friends accomplish their goals.
  • I am given the opportunity to develop and take on a new role or project while being supported by leadership.

We can advocate for women by. . .

  • Asking them to participate in public forums, calling on them for their feedback and praising their accomplishments.
  • Sharing our skills and accomplishments, as well as being open about our struggles or difficulties we face in our careers and personal lives.
  • Encouraging women to ‘go for it’. Apply for that position, even though you don’t think you are 100% ready. Put the insecurities aside and take a leap of faith!
  • Representing and supporting them in conversations, whether they are in the room or not.

A woman who inspires me is. . .

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, because she’s not afraid that she’s too young or lacks power to speak her mind in a male-dominated environment.
  • My mentor. She encourages me to improve my skills, learn new things, gives me honest and helpful feedback, and the care she has for her work is reflected in her accomplishments.
  • My grandmother. She didn’t have access to financial resources or know how to pursue higher education in her small town. She worked incredibly hard for her family and retired as a senior leader for a large clothing company. She always valued others’ contributions and treated people with respect no matter who they were or where they came from.
  • Women who inspire me lead by example and work to encourage and develop those around them.

Branch 0788 Gives Back

Our Bedding Products team in Rensselaer, Indiana, found a few ways to give back this year!

This spring and summer, their Eco Team visited a local elementary school, participated in a community clean-up event, and donated $1,500 to their local Fire Department Training Center. At the elementary school, the team taught third graders about the history of Arbor Day, their state tree, and why trees are important for the ecosystem. They also gave 200 trees to the school’s students and staff and planted some trees with the kids. During the clean-up event, they picked up eight large bags of trash at a local boat landing.

The Eco Team visited a local elementary school.
The Eco Team picked up trash during a clean-up event.

As a group, Branch 0788 sponsored their county fair and raffled off 10 grandstand tickets to their production partners. They also donated a mattress and power base to an auction benefiting a cancer event and the proceeds went to the wife of one of their team members.

We’re proud of Branch 0788 for doing great work together and giving back to their community!

Recognizing World Humanitarian Day

August 19 is World Humanitarian Day!

Every day, humanitarian workers risk their lives to serve the most vulnerable people around the world. We are proud to support humanitarians by contributing to the agencies they work for.

In 2023, we contributed approximately $800,000 in cash and in-kind donations to nearly 150 agencies working to provide vital resources and programs to those in need around the world.

To learn more about World Humanitarian Day, visit the United Nations.

The Ways We Give Back: Supporting our Communities

At Leggett & Platt, we believe in putting people first and doing the right thing. This year, we’ve given over $240,000 in corporate charitable contributions to programs that inspire our future, elevate our communities, and help those in crisis.

Here are just a few of the ways we’ve given back.

We Rise

We Rise is an employee and company-funded program that has helped satisfy the emergency needs of our employees in the aftermath of catastrophic events and natural disasters. In 2024, we’ve helped seven team members in North Carolina, Missouri, and Kentucky.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a youth mentoring program in the United States. It pairs adult volunteers with children and young adults in the community and aims to foster positive relationships. Leggett & Platt has committed to sponsoring three matches a year, and one of the adult volunteer matches this year is an employee’s son.

Destination Imagination

Destination Imagination (DI) is a global community of 28 countries on six continents whose focus is to inspire and equip today’s youth to find their creative self-expression by providing challenges rooted in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM). Leggett & Platt has sponsored DI for the past three years and has helped multiple teams from all over the world, including Ukraine, compete in the program and at the annual global finals.

United Way

United Way is a global network of over 1,800 non-profits that help fundraise for agencies focused on solutions that strengthen the education, financial stability, and health of their communities. In 2023, employees raised more than $80,000, a gift that was enhanced by a $145,000 corporate donation to United Way agencies worldwide.

Susan G. Komen

Susan G. Komen is a non-profit organization dedicated to breast cancer awareness, research, and support. Last year, the Women’s ERG partnered with Susan G. Komen and held the More Than Pink Walk Where You Are event. Together, our L&P teams across North and South America raised over $23,000 for breast cancer research.

We are proud of our employees and their commitment to each other, their neighbors, and their communities. Thank you for putting people first!

Happy National Left-Handers Day!

Happy National Left-Handers Day to all the lefties! August 13 is dedicated to celebrating the unique and creative qualities of you.

Did you know that approximately 708 million people in the world are left-handed? While that sounds like a lot, that makes up only 10% of the global population.

Here are some other interesting facts that make lefties stand out:

Lefties are forced to adapt. We live in a right-handed world. Whether using scissors, a can opener, or writing on a desk, most items are designed for the majority.

You may be better with directions. A study observed that left-handed people showed a lower rate of error in a spatial orientation test than righties. 

You are in good company. Eight former U.S. presidents are left-handed. Other notable lefties include Paul McCartney, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Prince William, Napolean, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, Mother Teresa, and Joan of Arc.

You may bounce back from injuries faster. Research on brain-related injuries shows that left-handed people recover more quickly. The cognitive functions are spread out in the brains of lefties, which means less of your cognitive functioning will be affected.

If you are part of the 10% of left-handers, do something to celebrate your uniqueness today!


Sanders, B.; Wilson, J.R.; Vandenberg, S.G., “Handedness and spatial ability.” Cortex,1982.

Bareham, C. et al. “Does left-handedness confer resistance to spatial bias?” Scientific Report, 2015.