L&P Celebrates World Kindness Day

Today is World Kindness Day. On this day, we celebrate the power of kindness and how empathy, compassion, and care toward one another can build bridges to meaningful connections. At L&P, we value putting people first. When you prioritize others, you naturally engage in acts of kindness that build trust and create strong, lasting relationships.

Take time today to spread kindness and love. Here are a few ideas to get started.

Send an Appreciation Note: Think of someone who has positively impacted your life and send them a quick note, whether through email, handwritten, or left on their desk – tell someone you are thinking of them.

Pay Goodwill Forward: Start a ripple effect of kindness by doing something nice for someone and asking them to pay the kindness forward. It can be paying for someone’s coffee in the drive-through, simply carrying someone’s bags, or holding a door. Many times, a simple act of service can change the trajectory of someone’s day.

Volunteer: There are numerous causes that need the care and compassion of others. If you don’t know where to start, visit VolunteerMatch – a site that helps connect you to non-profit organizations in your area based on your interests.

Listen and Validate: Sometimes the kindest thing you can do for someone is to listen and allow a person to be seen and heard. Offering validation to someone who feels misunderstood, hurt, or scared can profoundly enhance their emotional well-being.

As we celebrate World Kindness Day at L&P, let’s remember that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to make a significant impact.

Happy Veterans Day!

Today, we’re thinking of all who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

To our colleagues and those in our communities who have served, thank you for your service!

Remembrance Day

November 11 is Remembrance Day. Today, we honor all those who sacrificed their lives for the freedoms of others.

Fostering an Inclusive Culture: Global Diversity Awareness Month

October is Global Diversity Awareness Month, a time to recognize and appreciate the cultures, traditions, and perspectives that make up our world. As a global company, it’s important that we embrace the diverse backgrounds of our people so we can take more meaningful steps toward building a more inclusive, innovative, and successful company.

Last month, our Learning & Development team spotlighted how to embrace a global mindset and shared many resources with our employees. Here are a few of the things we learned and ways we can embrace a global mindset:

1. Gain self-awareness. Become aware of your own culture and biases. You might only realize you carry biases once you examine your perspectives.

2. Be curious. To quote a line from Ted Lasso: “Be curious, not judgmental.” If you don’t understand something, instead of judging, ask questions. When we ask questions, it opens our minds to new perspectives.

3. Be flexible and open-minded. If a colleague in Europe does something different, be open to the new way of working. Neither way is wrong; it’s just different.

4. Practice. Take every opportunity to learn something new about someone, whether it’s speaking their language, learning about their culture, or trying their food. The more you practice and learn, the more your mindset will grow.

To learn more about Global Diversity Awareness Month, visit The Diversity Movement.

L&P Float Wins the Sweepstakes Prize at Maple Leaf

The Maple Leaf Parade is an annual event held in Carthage, Missouri, and this year marked its 58th anniversary. The theme was “Celebrating America’s Maple Leaf City,” and L&P’s float showcased iconic features of a trip down Garrison Street. Leggett won the Sweepstakes Prize, the top honor in the float division of 182 entries.

The parade attracted an estimated 65,000 visitors to Carthage. As L&P employees and their families walked the 2-mile parade route, handing out candy, they were met with enthusiastic clapping and cheering. Leggett & Platt’s strong community spirit was on full display.

Thank you to everyone who helped construct the float, participated in the parade, and demonstrated our value of doing great work together!

Build Your Future at L&P

Build your future with us!

As a diversified manufacturer, you’ll find rewarding careers that cover many disciplines and call for your unique skillsets and experience. We offer learning and development opportunities to grow your personal and professional skills and an inclusive culture that is continuously evolving. We encourage you to stand out and help make our company even better!

With more than 100 roles open, join our team today: search careers at Leggett & Platt

Do Some Good: L&P Supports Carthage Area United Way Golf Scramble

More than 45 L&P volunteers helped host Carthage Area United Way’s annual Golf Scramble. From planning to hosting the event, our volunteers helped register 35 teams, set up stations, manage door prizes valued at over $6,000, and much more.

Together, L&P raised nearly $25,000 for the Carthage Area United Way! This was $5,000 more than the goal, and $9,000 more than last year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in making this event successful and continue to uphold our values of putting people first and doing great work together.

L&P Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Jennifer’s Story

This month, L&P teams across North America will walk together in the Susan G. Komen’s More Than Pink Walk, raising funds for breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.

Throughout October, we are sharing stories from our team members on how breast cancer has affected their lives.

Meet Jennifer Birch, who works in IT in Carthage, MO. We asked Jen about her experience with breast cancer and why L&P’s support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation is meaningful.

Modern Manufacturing Month: Sustainability Improvements in Our Facilities

As a modern manufacturer, we strive to minimize the environmental impacts of our products across their lifecycle. Our product sustainability goals include:

  • Incorporating sustainable design principles into our product development process
  • Assessing the use of raw materials in our products and identifying opportunities to reduce product environmental impacts
  • Advancing programs to identify, reduce, and eliminate chemicals of concern within our products and manufacturing processes

Here is some of the progress we’ve made within our businesses toward these goals.

Sustainable Innovation in Product Design

Our Adjustable Bed business redesigned an adjustable bed base that is lighter and more compact than the previous model. This new design results in the reduction of container and truck shipments annually, leading to potential fuel and emissions reductions during the transportation of the product to customers.

Responsible Use of Raw Materials

In our Automotive business, post consumer-grade recycled nylon and plastic are used to manufacture components. In addition, an operation in our Work Furniture business uses more than 400 tons of 100% post-consumer plastics and post-industrial waste each year to create high-quality structural components.

Chemical Management Programs

In 2023, we reviewed technology solutions that would enable the development of an enhanced database to track chemicals more efficiently and to improve and inform decision-making processes related to chemical management in our businesses.

To learn more about our commitment to sustainability in our manufacturing facilities, visit our website and download our Sustainability Report.

L&P Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Mary Jo’s Story

This month, L&P teams across North America will walk together in the Susan G. Komen’s More Than Pink Walk, raising funds for breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.

Throughout October, we are sharing stories from our team members on how breast cancer has affected their lives.

Meet Mary Jo Little, who works in Creative Services in Carthage, MO. We asked Mary Jo about her experience with breast cancer and why L&P’s support of the Susan G. Komen Foundation is meaningful.