Category Archives: Community Engagement

Happy World Sleep Day!

Today is World Sleep Day – a day for promoting the importance of sleep and good sleep health.

As a go-to source for all things bedding, we know how important sleep is for health and well-being, and we’re proud to create quality products that help you sleep well. While using good products is an important part of sleep hygiene, there are additional things you can do to get a better night’s rest. Check out these 20 sleep tips compiled by the Sleep Foundation.

And as we head into the weekend, go ahead and hit that snooze button once. . .or twice. 💤

Supporting United Way in the NYSE’s Global Giving Campaign

L&P is proud to support the United Way in the New York Stock Exchange’s (NYSE) Global Giving Campaign!

As a global company, we are committed to investing in the communities where we live and work. United Way shares our goals of advancing education, financial stability, and health around the world.

A commemorative ornament is hanging on a Christmas tree near the NYSE front entrance through the holiday season. Check it out below!

LEG Global Giving Campaign Ornaments 2024 Photo Credit: NYSE

L&P Float Wins the Sweepstakes Prize at Maple Leaf

The Maple Leaf Parade is an annual event held in Carthage, Missouri, and this year marked its 58th anniversary. The theme was “Celebrating America’s Maple Leaf City,” and L&P’s float showcased iconic features of a trip down Garrison Street. Leggett won the Sweepstakes Prize, the top honor in the float division of 182 entries.

The parade attracted an estimated 65,000 visitors to Carthage. As L&P employees and their families walked the 2-mile parade route, handing out candy, they were met with enthusiastic clapping and cheering. Leggett & Platt’s strong community spirit was on full display.

Thank you to everyone who helped construct the float, participated in the parade, and demonstrated our value of doing great work together!

Do Some Good: L&P Supports Carthage Area United Way Golf Scramble

More than 45 L&P volunteers helped host Carthage Area United Way’s annual Golf Scramble. From planning to hosting the event, our volunteers helped register 35 teams, set up stations, manage door prizes valued at over $6,000, and much more.

Together, L&P raised nearly $25,000 for the Carthage Area United Way! This was $5,000 more than the goal, and $9,000 more than last year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in making this event successful and continue to uphold our values of putting people first and doing great work together.

DYK: Volunteering Can Help You Feel Less Stressed

Want to feel less stressed? Consider volunteering! 👐

Volunteering can reduce the amount of cortisol – a stress hormone – your body produces, helping you feel less stressed on days you volunteer.


Han S, Kim K, Burr JA. STRESS-BUFFERING EFFECTS OF VOLUNTEERING ON SALIVARY CORTISOL: RESULTS FROM A DAILY DIARY STUDY. Innov Aging. 2018 Nov 11;2(Suppl 1):75. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igy023.283. PMCID: PMC6228389.

The Ways We Give Back: Supporting our Communities

At Leggett & Platt, we believe in putting people first and doing the right thing. This year, we’ve given over $240,000 in corporate charitable contributions to programs that inspire our future, elevate our communities, and help those in crisis.

Here are just a few of the ways we’ve given back.

We Rise

We Rise is an employee and company-funded program that has helped satisfy the emergency needs of our employees in the aftermath of catastrophic events and natural disasters. In 2024, we’ve helped seven team members in North Carolina, Missouri, and Kentucky.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a youth mentoring program in the United States. It pairs adult volunteers with children and young adults in the community and aims to foster positive relationships. Leggett & Platt has committed to sponsoring three matches a year, and one of the adult volunteer matches this year is an employee’s son.

Destination Imagination

Destination Imagination (DI) is a global community of 28 countries on six continents whose focus is to inspire and equip today’s youth to find their creative self-expression by providing challenges rooted in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM). Leggett & Platt has sponsored DI for the past three years and has helped multiple teams from all over the world, including Ukraine, compete in the program and at the annual global finals.

United Way

United Way is a global network of over 1,800 non-profits that help fundraise for agencies focused on solutions that strengthen the education, financial stability, and health of their communities. In 2023, employees raised more than $80,000, a gift that was enhanced by a $145,000 corporate donation to United Way agencies worldwide.

Susan G. Komen

Susan G. Komen is a non-profit organization dedicated to breast cancer awareness, research, and support. Last year, the Women’s ERG partnered with Susan G. Komen and held the More Than Pink Walk Where You Are event. Together, our L&P teams across North and South America raised over $23,000 for breast cancer research.

We are proud of our employees and their commitment to each other, their neighbors, and their communities. Thank you for putting people first!

L&P Volunteers: Great American Cleanup

In late April, a group of volunteers from our High Point Spring branch participated in the Great American Cleanup – a citywide cleanup and canned food drive event in High Point, North Carolina. L&P was an event sponsor.

Our colleagues collected approximately 100 pounds of recyclables and trash while cleaning up their local Armstrong Park!

We are grateful to our High Point Spring team for caring for our planet and doing great work together!

Pictured from left to right: Jimena Bugarin, Jerry Rigney, Frankie Shields, Tom Caputo, Shirley Knowles, Josie Knowles, Robert Baker, Nigel Baker, and John Caputo. Not pictured: Sharon Holmes.

Quick Tip for Better Sleep

May is Better Sleep Month! As a go-to source for all things bedding, we understand how important quality sleep is for wellbeing and want to share a quick tip for getting better sleep:

Go technology-free in your bedroom! 🛏️

If you want better sleep, consider removing electronic devices – like TVs, computers, tablets, and phones – from your bedroom. Scrolling on your phone, watching TV, or reading on your tablet before bed can disrupt your sleep because these activities decrease melatonin production – a hormone that regulates sleep – and keep your mind active.

For more information, check out this article by Technology in the Bedroom

‘Tis the Season of Giving at L&P

At L&P, we believe in giving back to the communities where we live, work, and play, and we’re proud of our teams who consistently volunteer in and donate to their local communities throughout the year. We’d like to share a few stories from our teams who have given back to their local communities during this holiday season.

Internal Audit Volunteers for Salvation Army

The Internal Audit team recently participated in the Salvation Army Red Kettle at the Webb City Walmart.

The Red Kettle is a charitable initiative organized during the holiday season that supports the Salvation Army. With more than 7,000 operation centers across the United States, The Salvation Army assists people experiencing economic hardships and addiction by providing many services, such as emergency relief, shelter, and food, to those in need.

LFPF – Aurora Supports Wreaths Across America

The LFPF – Aurora Flooring Team in Aurora, Illinois, participated in Wreaths Across America Day on December 16. Wreaths Across America is a non-profit organization that honors and remembers the sacrifices of veterans by sponsoring and placing wreaths on Veterans’ graves across the country.

Aurora had 15 team members participate among over 100 volunteers despite the cold rain and wind. The organization had an overwhelming donation of wreaths and placed 600 wreaths across two cemeteries.

Corporate Credit Supports Sunshine Children’s Home

Our Corporate Credit team recently enjoyed a Christmas party complete with snacks, games, and a visit from Santa. They also adopted the residents at Sunshine Children’s Home in Carthage, MO. 

The Sunshine Children’s Home is a non-profit organization that originally supported children with intellectual disabilities. Today, the agency operates two residential homes and provides leisure activities, transportation, meal preparation, and personal hygiene services for adults with intellectual disabilities.

The team filled stockings from requests gathered from each resident and delivered them for a Christmas surprise. 

There’s nothing greater than the gift of giving, and we want to say thank you to all of our L&P teams for putting people first and doing great work together this holiday season!

Supporting United Way in the NYSE’s Global Giving Campaign

L&P is proud to support the United Way in the New York Stock Exchange’s (NYSE) Global Giving Campaign!

As a global company, we are committed to investing in the communities where we live and work, and the United Way shares our goals of advancing education, financial stability, and health around the world.

A commemorative ornament showing our support will hang on the holiday tree in front of the NYSE entrance until the end of the year. Check it out below!

LEG Global Giving Campaign Ornament 2023 Photo Credit: NYSE