As we wrap up this year, we invited colleagues around the world to reflect on and share their achievements, challenges, and goals.

Christalena Peña, Global Learning & Development Specialist
Personal and Professional Growth
This year has been a journey of significant growth for me. Professionally, I’ve expanded my skills in questioning techniques. Honing this skill has deepened my understanding of diverse learning needs and preferences, resulting in enhanced learning experiences. By staying curious and committed to growth, we can navigate change with confidence and resilience.
On a personal level, I’ve focused on building resilience. Navigating this year’s challenges reminded me how important it is to maintain a positive mindset and be agile. This resilience helps me stay grounded and motivated.
Additionally, I’ve made a conscious effort to prioritize work-life balance. By setting clear boundaries and making time for self-care, I’ve maintained my well-being and brought my best self to both my professional and personal life.
Lessons Learned
One key lesson I’ve learned this year is the importance of embracing adaptability. Facing various challenges, I realized that adaptability isn’t just about reacting to change but also about being proactive and open to new ideas.
In our learning and development efforts at L&P, this meant shifting to a more flexible and personalized leadership development program. This approach helps us better meet the diverse needs of our partners, fostering a more inclusive learning environment. This is just the beginning of the work my team is doing.
Preparing for Next Year
Recharging and preparing for the coming year means spending quality time with those who energize me and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. For me, this looks like doing all things that are festive, revisiting a few of my favorite books, spending time outdoors, and reflecting on the past year. Additionally, I’ll ensure that self-care remains a priority by incorporating regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and healthy habits into my routine.
To prepare for the upcoming year, I will focus on revisiting my personal and professional brand and setting goals that align with that. I like to start by asking myself, ‘what do I want to be known for and where am I in relation to achieving that?‘ I also like to break my goals down into manageable time frames, like quarterly.
By balancing rest and reflection with proactive planning, I aim to enter the new year with renewed energy and a clear sense of direction. I will be writing more about this in my LinkedIn newsletter: Conquer Your Career. I’m excited about the opportunities ahead and look forward to continuing our journey of growth and learning together.