Happy National Left-Handers Day to all the lefties! August 13 is dedicated to celebrating the unique and creative qualities of you.
Did you know that approximately 708 million people in the world are left-handed? While that sounds like a lot, that makes up only 10% of the global population.

Here are some other interesting facts that make lefties stand out:
Lefties are forced to adapt. We live in a right-handed world. Whether using scissors, a can opener, or writing on a desk, most items are designed for the majority.
You may be better with directions. A study observed that left-handed people showed a lower rate of error in a spatial orientation test than righties.
You are in good company. Eight former U.S. presidents are left-handed. Other notable lefties include Paul McCartney, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Prince William, Napolean, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates, Charlie Chaplin, Mother Teresa, and Joan of Arc.
You may bounce back from injuries faster. Research on brain-related injuries shows that left-handed people recover more quickly. The cognitive functions are spread out in the brains of lefties, which means less of your cognitive functioning will be affected.
If you are part of the 10% of left-handers, do something to celebrate your uniqueness today!
Sanders, B.; Wilson, J.R.; Vandenberg, S.G., “Handedness and spatial ability.” Cortex,1982.
Bareham, C. et al. “Does left-handedness confer resistance to spatial bias?” Scientific Report, 2015.